Pet friendly,
Las Médulas with pets
Pet friendly,
Las Médulas with pets
There are endless ways to enjoy the Cultural and Natural Space of Las Médulas with pets.
Useful insights:
There are numerous establishments (accommodation, bars and restaurants) in the vicinity of the Cultural and Natural Space of Las Médulas that allow entry or lodging to dogs.
We recommend visiting places of interest and taking part in guided tours at off-peak times to avoid disturbing other visitors. Likewise, pets should be kept on a leash and under control at all times during the activity.

A maximum of three dogs are allowed to take part in each guided tour, so it is advisable to check prior to registration.
Dogs considered potentially dangerous breeds must be muzzled and kept on a leash while in Las Médulas.
There are natural areas of special protection such as the Larga and Pinzais lagoons and lakes Somido and Carucedo where pets are forbidden to enter and bathe.
Even when outdoors, dog excrement must be picked up and deposited in the bins provided in all surrounding towns and villages.
Inspiration for your trip
Walking the trails of the Cultural and Natural Space of Las Médulas is probably the most fun and rewarding way to explore its landscapes.
Las Médulas became part of the network of Protected Natural Areas of Castilla y León, when the space was declared a Natural Monument.
Your visit to Las Médulas has to start somewhere, and what better place to do it than from one of its viewpoints.
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